Friday, May 27, 2011

The Breakup

Ever since moving in together, I base much of my attitudes and actions regarding my relationship with Ken on my sister Caitlin's comment on The Breakup, staring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston.

My sisters and I saw The Breakup when we went to Ireland. Because of the time difference, my parents liked to go to bed early, so we had them drop us off at the movie theater and we would just take a cab home. One night, we saw The Breakup, and because we all have little respect toward the acting abilities of both lead roles, we were shocked when we enjoyed the movie.

For those of you who haven't seen it, Jennifer and Vince break up, and don't get back together. Early on in the movie, they fight over the dishes. Essentially, Jennifer wants help doing dishes and Vince doesn't want to help. (you may watch the scene here)

I was on the side of Jennifer. Vince should do the dishes! I thought. However, after we exited the theatre, my wise older sister gave me the following gem by which I live by:

Caitlin felt that the situation was both sad and realistic. "They both just had different ideas of how to live. When they get home from work, Vince wants to relax and Jen want the house clean. Neither is wrong."

She said something like that. Anyway, I have never forgotten her wise words, and when I get annoyed at Ken for not washing out a pot that he used, I remind myself of Jen, Vince and Caitlin. If a clean apartment makes me happy, then I should clean it. (To an extent. Don't worry, readers, Ken cleans just as much as I do.) Clean isn't right. Just like going to bed early or not watching TV isn't right. It's just how I prefer things.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I am so wise. Unfortunately, I still have to remind myself of that all the time, like when Paul refuses to put his bottles in the recycling. Why leave them on the counter????
